Nominations: Closed
Voting: Closed 7 years 9 months ago
Board preamble:
<strong><span style="font-size: 16px;">Ticket of Nominations</span></strong>
<p><a href="">Click here</a> to watch the candidates' presentations.</p>
Bylaws Committee
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Provincial Nominations Committee
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Provincial Resolutions Committee
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Region 1 Representative
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Region 10 Representative
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Region 11 Representative
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Region 12 Representative
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Region 2 Representative
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Region 3 Representative
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Region 4 Representative
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Region 5 Representative
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Region 6 Representative
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Region 7 Representative
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Region 8 Representative
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.
Region 9 Representative
Number of vacancies: 1
Voting closed 7 years ago.