Get involved in your association and make the most of your membership
Chapters and regions
RNAO offers members the opportunity to become involved in their local executive, a network of professional resources and support. No two communities are alike, and each group carries out the mandate of the association while serving the interests of members within their specific communities. A chairperson or president from each chapter attends assembly meetings on behalf of local members.*
Members are assigned to a chapter or region based on geography. Exceptions can be made under certain circumstances. Visit for a list of RNAO’s 35 chapters, their executive, and to access the chapter newsletter or calendar of events.
Interest groups
Members are encouraged to join one (or more) of RNAO’s 30 interest groups, which represent unique specialties or populations within nursing.** Interest group chairs represent members at assembly meetings, where they can more directly contribute to the work of the association.
Interest groups have their own websites with detailed information about the group. To find out more, visit
Visit today to get involved.
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