The toxic drug crisis that is now killing an average of 10 Ontarians every day will be the focus of a media conference organized by RNAO to close Nursing Week.
While Nursing Week (May 6-12) is mainly regarded as a time of celebration, RNAO will take the opportunity to shine a light on this crisis, share solutions, and renew its demand that the provincial government take the steps needed to stop a tragedy that is ravaging communities across Ontario.
RNAO will share the lived experiences of those affected by the drug poisoning crisis, and outline what needs to happen to stop the crisis in its tracks. This includes reopening supervised consumption services sites in Sudbury and Windsor, providing funding so the site in Timmins can remain open. RNAO also seeks assurances that any community that identifies a need be provided with the necessary funding to support people. For example, the city of Belleville declared a state of emergency earlier this year after 23 people collapsed within 48 hours because of drug toxicity, with six people dying between Feb. 25 and March 15 alone. And, Peterborough which saw a 26 per cent increase in overdose deaths in 2023.
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WHAT: The Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) holds a virtual media conference to demand action on the province’s toxic drug supply
WHEN: Friday, May 10, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. ET
- Dr. Doris Grinspun, RN, BScN, MSN, PhD, LLD(hon), Dr(hc), DHC, DHC, FAAN,FCAN, O.ONT., chief executive officer, RNAO
- Dr. Claudette Holloway, RN, BScN, MSN, DHA, CHE, president, RNAO
- Kathy Moreland, RN and member of Moms Stop the Harm (Windsor)
- Neil Stephen, RN (Sudbury)