RNAO Mental Health and Addiction Survey - Tell Us What You Think!

Your opinion matters to us!

RNAO is committed to enhancing evidence-based care and services related to mental health, mental illness and substance use across all settings in Ontario.  We would like to know how we are doing at meeting your needs in responding to mental health, mental illness and substance use in Ontario as leaders in health and social service. We are asking people across all sectors who do this work (including volunteer work) to complete this short survey. It will take approximately 10 minutes. All your answers will be anonymous. Please answer these questions from the point of view of someone who provides services to individuals and/or communities affected by mental health, mental illness and substance use challenges, either directly or indirectly.

Please note:

1. In this survey we ask about RNAO services and resources.  Services refer to RNAO educational events such as workshops and webinars.  Resources refer to RNAO topic-specific Best Practice Guidelines (BPGs).  While RNAO offers services and resources in many areas, for this survey we are specifically asking about services and resources related to mental health and addiction only.  

2. Addiction in this survey mainly refers to substance use however we recognize that there are many other types of addiction we'll address in the upcoming years. 


1 Start 2 Complete

Section A: Mental health, mental illness and substance use knowledge

Section B: Knowledge of Best Practices and Evidence-Informed Program Innovations related to Mental Health, Mental Illness and Substance Use

Section C: Application of Mental Health and Addiction Knowledge

Section D: Satisfaction with RNAO’s Mental Health and Addiction Service and Resources