Thank you for your interest in attending the Indigenous Mental Wellness Webinar on September 22, 2021 from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. (ET) with special guest speakers Carol Hopkins, Thunderbird Partnership Foundation and Brenda M Restoule, First Peoples Wellness Circle. Click here for biography.
This webinar is in partnership with the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO), Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN), Chiefs of Ontario (COO), the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) Shkaabe Makwa, the Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association (CINA) and Ontario First Nation Young Peoples Council (OFNYPC)
The First Nations Mental Wellness Framework (FNMWC) will provide a foundation for this presentation as it provides guidance for addressing the unique needs of First Nations from within the social determinants of health. Understanding the link between trauma and unique needs of First Nations will enable more effective policies and culturally safe program support. Building from the inherent strengths of individuals provides a starting place to come together on a journey of wellness.
This webinar will offer two discussions: one on problematic substance use and a second on child and youth mental wellness. Each presentation will be 40 minutes and offer the participants:
- Description of the link to the First Nations Mental Wellness Continuum Framework as a way of addressing problem statements and assumptions
- Key factors influencing culturally safe services and;
- Recommendations for achieving Indigenous Wellness: Hope, Belonging, Meaning and Purpose.
Learning Objectives for the Presentation: To increase awareness and understanding of First Nations methodologies in facilitating a response to:
- Substance use challenges relying on Indigenous knowledge and culture-based practices, collaboration with clinical practice and continuous consensus building processes for the development of culturally safe community-based wellness programs with First Nations. Opioid poisoning is a public health concern in Canada and is a critical issue for First Nations people who are disproportionately impacted. Problematic substance use and other wellness challenges are a direct result of the lasting impacts of colonization and a lack of access to resources. (Presented by Carol Hopkins, O.C., MSW LL.D(hons), Chief Executive Officer, Thunderbird Partnership Foundation)
- Child & Youth Mental wellness and Educational Transitions require collaborative partnerships with school-based mental health for the coordination of care that will ensure children and youth are adequately supported in a quality care system. Attending to the needs of children and youth early on through upstream investments ensure better outcomes in adulthood. (Presented by Brenda M Restoule, Ph.D., C.Psych, Chief Executive Officer, First Peoples Wellness Circle.)
This presentation will link early intervention with culture, land, heritage with social determinants of health across education and health systems. This webinar will conclude with 25 minutes for questions and dialogue.
Please complete the registration form below and an email confirmation with connection details will be sent to the email address provided. If you do not receive this email, please contact Tanya Costa, Project Coordinator, at