Speaking out for nursing. Speaking out for health.

Edward Cruz

Status: Hopeful
Edward Cruz

I am one of the very few Philippine-educated nurses in a tenured or tenure-track position at a Canadian university nursing program. Since joining the University of Windsor in July 2018, I established a Collaborative program of Research in the areas of Social care, Heath human resources, Interprofessional collaboration, and Nursing Education (CoRe-SHINE).  I have been awarded local, provincial, and national grants to do research in these areas, the most recent of which is a Social Science and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant to explore the employment trajectory of Filipino nurses in Ontario. Additionally, I am/was on the committees as chair, co-chair, or board/committee member of different Canadian stakeholder organizations involved in internationally educated nurse credentialling, such as the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing, the National Nursing Assessment Service, the National Newcomer Navigation Network, the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario, the CARE Centre for IENs, and Sigma Theta Tau International – Honor Society of Nursing. As co-chair of the Partners in Integration and Education of IENs since 2019, I have organized eight national virtual and in-person conferences and webinars participated in by 800+ stakeholders and IENs from across Canada and the USA. I am currently an Associate Professor with UWindsor Nursing, and I have been appointed Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs for a five-year term beginning July 1, 2024