Speaking out for nursing. Speaking out for health.

Parya Mirjani

Status: Hopeful
Parya Mirjani

Parya Mirjani, RN, MN-NP program student at university of Toronto

Parya has been in the field for 13 years now. Currently, she works as a hemodialysis nurse and is finishing her master’s in nursing/ nurse practitioner program in June 2024. Parya came to Canada as an internationally educated nurse and completed the post -RN program at York university. During Covid-19 pandemic, Parya volunteered to be redeployed to the ICU and spent about one year providing care to critically ill patients.   


Parya feels passionately about striving for creation of a better healthcare system for all. Soon to be a nurse practitioner, Parya is excited about her new role and acknowledges that the Ontario primary care system needs to be strengthened by utilizing more publicly funded nurse practitioners in this sector.

Parya is passionate about her job and believes that nurses are great champions to creating a fair and equitable healthcare for all.