Speaking out for nursing. Speaking out for health.

Joseph Lawson

Position: Region 2
Status: Hopeful
Joseph Lawson

Joey Lawson is a passionate Community Care nurse with expertise in a range of nursing disciplines. Since his graduation from the Western-Fanshawe Collaborative Nursing Program in 2017, Joey has worked tirelessly to bring health services to Ontarians where they need it most, and has been a strong advocate for community based primary care for individuals of all ages. Joey spent the first 5 years of his career as a Primary Care Visiting Nurse, caring for patients at home within the London-Middlesex Region, where he saw first hand how the significant deficits in all areas of the healthcare system are affecting patients. Joey currently works as a Nursing Educator within the community care sector, and has had the opportunity to support nurses with a number of educational needs, as well as working on quality improvement initiatives to better the lives of both patients and the nurses who care for them. Joey is also proud to work for an RNAO Best Practice Spotlight organisation, and instils the values of RNAO into all of his work.

Joey has been a dedicated member of RNAO since 2014, when he became a student member in his second year of his undergraduate degree. Joey has served as a Student Liaison and Social Media ENO for his local chapter, and is currently the RNAO Board of Directors Representative for Region 2. Joey has been involved in a number of events within his local chapter, including collaborating with local charities, as well as partnerships with other RNAO Chapters and Interest Groups. Joey has also attended the RNAO Annual AGM numerous times, both as a student and as a consultative rep. Joey is a passionate advocate for the value of RNAO membership, and strongly believes in the mission of the organisation.

Joey has had the opportunity to meet with numerous politicians and community action groups within his region, and understands the importance of advocacy, both for the safety of patients as well as the nurses who support them. Joey understands the significance of a collective voice, and sees how if we all band together, we can make a lasting difference in the quality of healthcare in Ontario. Joey has had the opportunity to connect with numerous RNAO members from Region 2 and sees the value that each individual member brings to RNAO’s collective voice. Joey has thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities for collaboration and contribution that he has found through RNAO. He would be honoured to continue to represent Region 2 on the RNAO Board of Directors.