Loretta McCormick
I completed my nursing diploma at Mohawk College, my undergraduate part time at McMaster University and my nurse practitioner certificate full time at McMaster University in 2009. I found myself with many unanswered questions about how to support the role of the nurse in any setting and returned to school full time while working full time. I completed my PhD in 2019 with Western University, studying the role of the hospital-based nurse in chronic disease and collaborative self-management.
My philosophy of nursing has been honed through my years of experience as a care provider, my experience as a nursing teacher and as a student. I see nursing as multi-faceted and integral to the health and wellbeing of all individuals. I believe in the value of nursing as a compassionate care-giving role, but I also truly believe that science provides the foundation for nursing and that the translation of evidence in true partnership with patients can change an individual's path. I believe in empowerment of the nurse and of the client through information sharing and respect. As a true believer in the link between individual health and the health of the planet, my philosophy is shaped by the growing concern of effects of climate change and my awareness that individuals rely on the symbiotic relationship with the planet to maintain their individual health.