In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing requirements across Ontario, Our Durham Northumberland Chapter Annual Take your MPP to Work (TYMTW) will be held virtually. We are continuing to celebrate the Year of the Nurse and will be listening to stimulating discussions by our Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Nursing Students discussing their experiences with COVID-19, and our local MPPs discussing their experiences with COVID -19 in their specific riding particularly in such unprecedented times.
TYMTW will be conducted via Zoom Video (Please ensure you have installed the Zoom video client on your device and have a registered Zoom account. Your device must be equipped with a camera and microphone, and have access to a reliable internet connection).
Once registered, you will receive the link to the meeting.
Please log in by 6:45PM
Durham Northumberland, ON
RNAO Event