2020 PedNIG Annual General Meeting (AGM)

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The Pediatric Nurses Interest Group (PedNIG) will be hosting our Virtual Annual General Meeting in conjunction with the RNAO AGM on June 13th starting at 1 PM.  At our AGM, in addition to sharing the business and accomplishments of the interest group, we will also be celebrating our bursary winners. We are honoured to be hosting a guest presentation on "Immunizing – Every Child, Every Dose, on Time.  The Importance of Keeping Schedules on Track." Although this year's AGM looks different, PedNIG looks forward to celebrating this past year, and discussing the new normal in paediatric healthcare.

During these challenging times, it is important that we do not forget about paediatric health and health care. The current pandemic has interfered with many aspects of life, leaving our society feeling stressed and worried. Fortunately, the health of children and youth is not directly and negatively affected by the COVID-19 virus. However, this global pandemic has had other negative impacts on their health that we feel is important to discuss as advocates for Ontario's children and youth. It is easy for parents to forget about their child's immunizations, when working from home or not working at all; while also shifting from role of parent to homeschool teacher. Therefore, it is important to not forget or miss other important areas of paediatric health, such as receiving up to date immunizations. Since there is no such thing as virtual vaccination, we will have a guest presentation on "Immunizing – Every child, Every Dose, on Time.  The Importance of Keeping Schedules on Track." It will be an interesting and educational presentation on the importance of the timing of vaccines for today's children, and how this relates to the current pandemic. 

PedNIG will also be providing an update for this past year, what we have accomplished, and how we have been able to support paediatric nurses and the children and youth of Ontario during COVID-19. We also look forward to celebrating our bursary winners from this year, and engaging in an exciting presentation on immunizations in paediatrics, and how this process is affected by a global pandemic. 

Please join us for free on June 13, 2020 from 1-3:30 PM, via online Zoom (link in confirmation email) to engage in an interesting discussion about paediatric health.

Once registered, we will send you a confirmation email with the Zoom login information. Please email us with any further questions at pednig@gmail.com.


The PedNIG Executive Team

June 13, 2020 1:00 PM through  3:30 PM
Online via Zoom Meeting
Toronto, ON
Landline: 1-800-268-7199
RNAO Event
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