Advocacy Hour

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Have you noticed changes within our political landscape? Want to know how you can use your knowledge and experience as a nurse to advocate?

Join us at "Advocacy Hour" for a chance to become politically active through this dynamic event!

Have you heard about RNAO's resolutions? They are your chance to shape the work that RNAO does by submitting one to be reviewed at the 2019 April RNAO AGM. The first part of the event is a review of the resolution writing and submission process.

Are interested in becoming more politically engaged? The second part of the event is an empowering presentation that will be sure to provide you with the beginning skills to shape pressing nursing, health and social issues. 

The evening concludes with engaging with politicians, as MPPs and Mayors from Peel Region are invited to attend. 

Do all of this while enjoying dinner and building a community of nursing.

November 20, 2018 5:30 PM through  8:00 PM
Ruby's Bar and Grill - 120 Traders Blvd E
Mississauga, ON L4Z3K7
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Landline: 1-800-268-7199
Event(s) Fee
Member $15.00
Non Member $20.00
Student $10.00
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