INIG Meeting


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The International Nursing Interest Group of the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario cordially invites you to its general meeting on March 17, 2022, from 7PM to 9PM Eastern Time (March 18, 7AM to 9AM, Philippine Time). Everyone is welcome – share widely and bring a friend!

Guest Speaker: Erlinda Castro-Palaganas, PhD, RN, FAAN

Presentation: Nursing Leadership at the Intersection of Climate & Health: Influencing Policy & Systems Change Speaker's Bio:

  • Professor, University Scientist 1, University of the Philippines Baguio (The Philippines)
  • Recipient: Princess Srinagarindra Award Laureate 2021
  • Past President, Philippine Nurses Association (2019)
  • Founding President, Philippines Nursing Research Society , Inc. (2008)
  • Website:
March 17, 2022 7:00 PM through  9:00 PM
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