Have you ever noticed a gap in nursing or in healthcare that impacts your patients, colleagues, or the health system? We are inviting YOU to an exciting opportunity to learn more about "Writing a Resolution that makes a difference"! Middlesex- Elgin is excited to host a webinar on how to write resolutions on January 20, 2022 starting at 7:30pm.
Where do you start? Is this topic an appropriate one? Can I/we really make a difference? Chantal Singh and Lauren Rogers, both executive officers with Middlesex- Elgin Chapter, will share some tips & tricks to writing an informative and impactful resolution. Both Chantal and Lauren have submitted successful resolutions to the past 2 RNAO annual general meetings; Regulation of E-Cigarettes and Vaping for Ontario Youth and Child and Youth Mental Health and Research and Advocacy to Support New Graduate Nurses.
Chantal and Lauren will be joined by Ifrah Ali (RNAO staff person responsible for Resolution process). Ifrah will provide on overview of the process of resolution writing.
If you have specific questions that you would like addressed in the webinar please submit them to MiddlesexElginRNAO@gmail.com by January 18, 2022.
London, ON
RNAO Event