2023 CHNIG Resolution Application Form

Call for 2023 CHNIG Resolutions
The Community Health Nurses' Initiatives Group (CHNIG) is encouraging our members to submit resolutions for review and discussion at the CHNIG Annual General Meeting. The deadline for resolutions this year is Wednesday, May 31, 2023. Members who submit resolutions to CHNIG’s 2023 AGM are raising the profile of important issues, and engaging colleagues in discussions that matter to community health nursing. 

Call for Resolutions Guidelines 

  1. The resolution must bear the support of RNAO CHNIG member(s) in good standing for 2023
  2. A maximum of 500 words backgrounder must accompany each resolution and according to the American Psychological Association (APA) Style Guide, 7th edition. 
  3. The resolution must be relevant to the CHNIG mission and goals
  4. For clarity of purpose and precision in the wording of your resolution, we recommend that each resolution include a maximum of three ‘Whereas’, ‘Therefore Be It Resolved'.
  5. Please refer to an example of a resolution that CHNIG submitted to the RNAO in 2020. 

Any CHNIG member may submit a resolution before the deadline. The deadline to submit resolutions to be considered at the 2023 CHNIG AGM is Wednesday, May 31, 2023, 5:00pm EST.

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