ACPF Intent to Submit Proposal 2017-2018

Submission Instructions:

All applicants who intend to submit a proposal must notify RNAO no later than  January 9, 2017. This information is used by RNAO to prepare for the review process; it is not binding and can be modified or withdrawn at any time.

To notify RNAO of your intention to submit a proposal, please complete the survey below.

NOTE: All proposals must be RECEIVED by RNAO no later than 3 pm EDT on January 16, 2017. Complete proposal packages should be sent to:

Advanced Clinical Practice Fellowship Program

Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario

158 Pearl Street, Toronto, ON  M5H 1L3

Attention: Ifrah Ali / 416-408-5589 or 1-800-268-7199 x265

All applicants will receive notification by email that their proposal has been received no later than one business day following the submission deadline. If you do not receive notification, please contact us directly.